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Reviews for Goose: 9/17/2023 Miller High Life Theatre, Milwaukee, WI

   dearchris  (9/20/2023 3:38:40 PM)

First time playing in Milwaukee?….definitely left ‘em wanting more! This show is likely to be overshadowed by Detroit the night before (which is a monster!!) but for my money I like this one more. It’s all good, but Elizabeth, All I Need and So Ready are the super highlights of set 1. Then set 2…. It’s like a perfectly curated playlist flowing from song to song with ebbs and flows from intense to lighthearted, and back again. Myst > Echo > Take on Me is just a seamless thing of beauty. The peaks Peter is hitting on the keys before Take on Me is incredible. The solo in Bob Don from 3:30-5:30 is like the most perfectly contained explosion of a guitar solo. Doobie song was a great comedown song before Tumble to finish the set as the perfect cap. “Maybe there’s no bad luck, you gotta go down if you want to get back up, it’ll all come around someday”. Five star show!

   Bryon  (9/19/2023 8:41:12 PM)

4th Goose show for me. Absolutely outstanding. 1st set I thought was out of this world. What a phenomenal show and what a cool venue all around. It was a maze of fun times. Love you Milwaukee!! Can’t believe it was there first time in there. Hopefully not the last.

   Jambandad  (9/19/2023 6:24:23 PM)

Yeah, fantastic set list. Seekers and Myst are always highlights for me. Bob Don got me in the feels big time.

   Lucas  (9/19/2023 8:38:55 AM)

Ben and Jeff ripping through joints on stage during Doobie Song was a highlight of my life

   Jay-doh  (9/19/2023 7:38:46 AM)

Wow. goose????.thanks for everything. It can be real easy for any live act to go into a smaller city. A city that a lot of bands with similar sized fanbases have redundantly booked shows in the same 3 boring old places. I’m Not counting the riverside due to the capacity. Smaller places. This was not easy to do. Hats off to you fine humans. The extra effort on your part to go above and beyond for us was easily evident from the moment I walked into that building. I had no idea where the hell I was. Lol. . And I freaking absolutely loved it. People everywhere were ?? all around I n awe of how badass you all made this place for us. Where are we? I say to wifey I thought you said we came here last year, for Louis CK… we did.. ?? really? Cmon this is not that place.lmao. Bartender said normally looks like a library in here. We were instructed to do this sternly. Lol. Blue lights lasers and fog everywhere in the building. U Get Lost finding the bathrooms.. I saw so many people completely lost in the moment..very beautiful thing. Thanks for the extra effort for real though. It all felt so new to this old wook. I mean talk about space.Jim Mazza absolutely nailed the print for the night too. The Music,energy, band, and crowd all completely in sync. Meeting new people who tell you almost instantly how much you remind them of a best friend who’s gone. Music sounded phenomenal and the extra effort felt so satisfying. I know they felt our gratitude! We need more Milwaukee shows, and we need them all here. Thanks so much all around. Good job people it was all extremely impressive.

   ZL  (9/18/2023 5:16:05 PM)

I was there, amazing show. Elizabeth was the highlight for me.

   Ashleigh  (9/18/2023 3:30:14 PM)

Gawd. First 3 songs 2nd set. Geez. I love you Goose.

   Mr.Wilzon  (9/18/2023 2:31:24 PM)

This show had a little bit of everything. Uplifting jams, rock n roll attitude, funky dance party jams, reggae, 40's.. Tons of highlights. Top tier goose show for me.

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